Saturday, May 10, 2008

High Frequency Treatment

deminers from the Heart: HAMAP (Drop landmine)

HRH Prince Charles-Philippe d' Orleans Duc d'Anjou received by the King of Cambodia Norodom Sihamoni His Majesty

As part of a trip charity in Cambodia, Prince Charles-Philippe Thierry and Win HEALTH HAMAP President were received by His Majesty the King. The Prince was accompanied by his fiancee, Diana, Duchess of Cadaval , and the Count Piccapietra , Grand Chancellor of the Order of St. Lazarus International.

At this meeting, were treated the following: the Francophonie, the historical ties between France and Cambodia, the perverse effects of rapid growth and unbalanced in Cambodia, humanitarian actions undertaken by the Order of St. Lazarus and his partner, HAMAP Health, Cambodia and the fight against anti-personnel mines.

The Prince and Thierry Win are committed to His Majesty a long period to take action to care for the Khmer people the neediest, especially those living in floating villages of the north and the population at the expense of the dump in Phnom Penh.

(photos taken with copyright permission on the site of Prince )

this occasion Prince Charles-Philippe handed over the insignia of Grand Cross of Merit of the Order of Saint Lazarus to His Majesty the King for the charitable benefit of the Khmer people that His Majesty is relentlessly since the beginning of his règne.Le Prince and the Duchess of Cadaval, accompanied by a delegation of the Order of St. Lazarus and HAMAP HEALTH , twenty volunteers in total, including four doctors, remained ten days in Cambodia.

Ibrahim Ali El President Mawassem Khaer (Harvest charity) becomes partner NGO HAMAP

Ibrahim El Ali, President HAMAPJoel Kaigre Bernie Le Van Xieu DG behind Thierry Winning President HAMAP HEALTH ENGINEERING Francis Facquet President HAMAP.

One of the few French NGOs working together in the field of mine action and development assistance. Founded in 1999 by its founding president, Joel Kaigre, it has established its headquarters in the Paris suburbs (Alford), and antennas in Mauritania, Morocco, Spain, Germany, England, China, Gabon, Burkina Faso, Madagascar ... . Now in Lebanon.

Pictured right Jeanne Emond right Gérard Thiry Secretary General, Pierre Casoli President HAMAP Minesweeper, Dominique Bouriez Vice President and Founder.

If there is one word that defines all the activities is the word HAMAP HEART you guess that nobody in the world is in conflict areas to clear and start his life behind every rock without a heavy heart solidarity of love of neighbor and of accomplishment.
" In things where the heart is more, the hand is never powerful. "

I'm not just an NGO partner, but a living with 5 Heart ventricles the heart that beat to the rhythm of mine clearance, health, education, engineering and security.

C. courage as Minesweeper, knight of modern times.

HAMAP The actions support the mine action and help people affected by war or conflict.
The mine action therefore concerns all fields of activities, remediation of contaminated land, control against hunger in reviving agricultural land, protection of the environment, reviving the country's sustainable development experienced. The Mine pursued by HAMAP based on seven components: the actual clearance, training of deminers and trainers, public awareness of landmines, advocacy for the destruction of stockpiled antipersonnel mines, the victim assistance and reintegration, development areas and improvement of living conditions of populations.

HAMAP CLEARANCE established several demining operations in Mauritania, Nouadhibou peninsula in cooperation the National Office for Humanitarian Demining (BNDH) Mauritania: demining mined line at kilometer 24 and the area north Tmeimichatt Mauritania. Balance: 77 000 m² and cleared over 1,000 mines and shells and destroyed records.
HAMAP CLEARANCE planned reconnaissance in Kosovo in the region of Pristina and Mitrovica, Va. intervene in Cambodia, in areas northwest of the country. Demining projects in Lebanon with Mawassem khaer into place.

C as CHAVILLE where a concert is held annually to support HAMAP with choirs of 200 singers sing Medon where a land mine free.

Jean Jacques Guillet Mayor of Chaville, SE Henry Zipper de Fabiani, Ambassador Herve Meudic director of the Atrium, Chairman Joel Kaigre HAMAP.

To help the earth to get rid of the mines! Support HAMAP! watching a beautiful concert:
June 06, 2008: Concert at Notre Dame Oak Street to Viroflay Rieussec (78 220) to 20.45 in favor of HAMAP (Stop Landmines)

the program "Songs of Destiny ": Opera Arias and Chorus (Verdi, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Borodin)

(photos Chaville right photographer Daniel Desrosiers Operating HAMAP)
with the presence of soprano Sandrine Conxicoeur and Shi Heng baritone accompanied by the vocal ensemble Melisande, Josquin des Pres's Choir and the Orchestre Philharmonique des Yvelines and West under the direction Francilien Jean-Yves Malmasson.
Contact: Corinne Husson , Dir.Com HAMAP:

HAMAP HEALTH opens her heart
O . Health Organization as

President HAMAP HEALTH Thierry Win with his team

The role HAMAP HEALTH is to assist victims and provide care to populations affected by mines and more generally by conflict.

HAMAP activates at Cambodia, the first medical unit
Mobile working closely with Lyda Health. His goal is to deliver primary health care to rural populations and to guide serious urgent cases to hospitals for treatment of reference.

The first team of mobile medical unit that monitors health indicators such as the main pathologies, infectious diseases and pandemics. By recording the consultations and diagnoses, there is created a database health monitoring and exploitable by local authorities in charge of health and the various actors working in the field of health, in order to detect possible peaks epidemic

E Hope, School of Education and Training from HAMAP and Environmental Protection, Ecology.

HAMAP TRAINING implements demining experts at the center of Proficiency (CPADD) School of Ouidah in Benin to train trainers of African miners.

Meanwhile, TRAINING HAMAP form Mauritanian experts to support the training of educators to the basic techniques of demining and clearance and experts 'quality'. Trained staff is able to teach the basic techniques of demining and clearance as well as supervising a section of humanitarian demining in the framework of mine action.

HAMAP TRAINING also conducts numerous awareness campaigns in schools with children and women in the population and Boulenoir Tmeimichatt Mauritania and in several French provinces and abroad.

This approach to prevention, diagnosis, information and awareness and has a rapid impact on vital welfare of the needy population and thus participates in the development of the country, greatly reducing vulnerability.

U. The Unit for the Union, The Urgency and firefighters HAMAP offered by Mauritania, and soon in Lebanon
Emergency and Security in component HAMAP which provides vehicles and health fire, first aid and fire, with firefighters' equipment to Cambodia and Mauritania (city of Rosso).

The role HAMAP SECURITY is to protect the facilities of families exposed to mines and conflict. This is done through the learning of gesture and attitude to adopt in order to avoid exposing the poor to the dangers that surround them.

(Akaedi Mayor, Mayor Rosso Governor, Ambassador of Senegal and other notables)

R. for Responsibility, Rehabilitation, Renovation Engine Engineering at HAMAP who put your heart at work.

HAMAP ENGINEERING has invested heavily in Mauritania to give access to water for the population: the creation of 4.5 miles of water supply network, creating a well Hadrat Etkawa and rehabilitation of three wells Birigni, and Ahmaime Loubairate

In Lebanon, HAMAP ENGINEERING creates a station wastewater treatment in hospital Our Lady of Peace Sisters Antonin Kobayat.

The most economical and easiest to implement, in this region lies in the biological treatment of pollutants. This process
Edé involves the construction of a grid filtrage1 and 7 water tanks of large capacity.

A Madagascar, HAMAP ENGINEERING helps a community of novices and a home for young girls to get Ansirabe self energy (water, reservoirs, pumping station and supply) for their consumption.

( father PEDRO an icon and Magacascar Marc Boritch operations Magach ENGINEERING HAMAP)

HAMAP ENGINEERING also helps to finance projects undertaken by the association CODEGAZ Gaz de France in Mali and Madagascar and the Association OSMOSIS Cambodia. In Mali, the purpose of this operation is to provide access to populations, continuously over the year to clean water, creating holes. The water quality is the best drug and the royal road of sustainable development in Africa.

In Cambodia, finally, the goal is to strengthen the program of environmental education and improvement of living conditions of the poorest families. This is done through the development of alternative sources of income for priority families, improving living conditions through medical assistance, education and improved sanitation in Prek Toal (floating village located Lake Tonle Sap in Cambodia, the largest lake in Asia South-east, an area of "flooded forest" for his outstanding ri Duchess of fauna and flora).

Village floating in the middle of the lake.

Joel, Bernie, Thierry, Emmanuel, Francis, Peter, Dominique Didier, Corinne ... to all my brothers in arms

It y 'as different worlds, so many different suns
... But we only have one planet.
And we live in separate worlds
The sun has now gone to hell, and the moon rises. Farewell

All men must die
But it is written in the starlight And every line
your hand
What we're crazy to go to war

To my comrades in arms of HEART

Protect the Planet
For our African children
West, Middle and Far East.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Monster Distribution Center In Corona

BELUFIL: Tribute to Ibrahim El Ali Belgian Luxembourg contingent of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon, UNIFIL. The project carried out by

Here already more than a year, March 7 2007, Pandur carrying four Belgian peacekeepers had fallen into a ravine on the road between the villages of Kfar Shuba and Shebaa, killing three soldiers, WO1 Pauwels Luc, Thierry De Bakker Cpl and Cpl Roger Bergen.

Through their sacrifice in our mountains Bible, I just pay tribute to the Belgian forces to UNIFIL and to testify on behalf of my NGO Mawassem khair (Harvest charity) of the deep gratitude Population for all services rendered and assistance given by the Belgian soldiers in Lebanon and Luxembourg.

(Padre Eric Pétré camp scorpion sending a prayer. Opposite Colonel Hendrik Van Sluijs)

His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Brabant, Prince of Belgium, came to bring the families of Deceased support to the Royal Palace and the entire United Belgium.

To bring my modest contribution in memory of the dead for your country, I have offered a cedar of Lebanon planted next to the plaques.

On 15,000 troops to UNIFIL, the Belgo-Luxembourg battalion is composed of 367 soldiers from that of the ten provinces of Belgium and Luxembourg two soldiers. This detachment has a military field hospital, an engineering detachment versatile, a protection element (Force Protection), a logistics support element and a detachment of implementation of communication systems and information. Their mission is to help rebuild the country and provide humanitarian assistance in support of UNIFIL and the Lebanese government.
The mission entrusted to them within UNIFIL, gives them a capital sympathy superior to other garrisons, because very strongly tinged with humanitarian and reconstruction of the country, I can testify that every time I encountered a need for the Mayor of the municipality, I asked to speak first to the Belgian.

For example, the municipality of Shaqra beside Tibnin, seeking the assistance of Belgian engineering for the reconstruction of the dome of the mosque, this was done with the participation of local workers and a welcoming and friendly. The population then shared tea and pastries with Lebanese Belgian soldiers during construction.

Major hass

Participatory Rehabilitation and reconstruction with the full support of the population under the direction of Major Hass.

From medical

If there is a mark of recognition of people wounded and bereaved by the War of Tammuz is well in the medical field that takes its signification.Le pillar camp medical scorpion lives in Tibnin comprises means of egress, provides care for military personnel and has a capacity of surgical and dental care.
These treatments are of such quality that the Lebanese hospitals and doctors complained of a significant drop in their turnover. In just over thirty days, over 2053 medical procedures were administered.

services field hospital are surgical procedures, receiving patients, intensive care, dental care. A radiology department, laboratory service and medical supply and medication. The population

permanent reminder of an exceptional quality of services and satisfaction of humanitarian aid supplied to it. A new ambulance was delivered to the hospital in Tibnin.

Regarding demining

After health, demining done by the engineering detachment gives the people the means to regain quiet to go in their gardens, tilling their fields, and pick olives. In this area of southern Lebanon a veritable carpet of unexploded bombs constantly threatens the population, and while there is still a mine or an airplane flying in the sky Lebanese, it will always feel in danger.

To witness, you should see the smile of local peasant, every time we clean up its field by removing a bomb or s clusters (cluster bombs)

The detachment performs engineering reconnaissance of roads and areas in order to neutralize unexploded ordnance and mines with combat engineers or EOD teams (Explosive Ordnance Disposal).

(two friends Demu Maurice and Daniel Derne experts clearance divers)

The EOD detachment also has the ability neutralize IEDs (Improvised Explosive Device). This one makes a daunting task, using any military logistics to the profile of the population.

(In this house destroyed during the war and reconstruction, dig a hole 7 meters, was a danger to the foundation, he took the advice of an expert architect, the owner's permission before .. bomb unearthed fuss.)

( I present to you a large clearance, the knight Modern Eric Vold)

We have repeatedly bombs unearthed at more than 8 meters deep freeing the people of a danger and an anxious day, a bomb in the town of Majdal located in the heart of a school, to Shaqra in tobacco fields just near the town hall, one Sriffa over 1000 kilos.

Here the Belgian army with proper equipment for lifting large bombs, perfectly complements the work of humanitarian demining organizations such as Handicap International, HAMAP, or Mac (mine action coordination).

Relaxation and recreation for
I used to tease my Belgian friends in their shouting "Guys we are not at the Riviera," yet at times, the climate of detente with the people, satisfied with be rid of weapons of death in the middle of their home, offers a moment of peace to the soldiers of the UNIFIL.

While deminers chart a safe passage for driving the engineering work, the team safety, health, interpreter, and EOD leaders take a long break in the sunshine just across the Lebanese Mount Hermon.

We have the same right to "peoples" here Henin Emmanuel , yes the famous cousin of Justine Henin , why not future Godmother of our actions to protect the environment, Lebanon, Africa and throughout the Mediterranean. To be continued .... !

Here, a Belgian sorcerer, knight of modern times, EOD, diver Daniel Derde Minesweeper. That was nearly 5 hours we tried this with every bomb detection devices magnetic unsuccessfully until Daniel brings his two divining rods that detect magnetic variations between the earth and a canister of 500 pounds . Yes it works!

Aid For Municipalities

(here, I explained to Colonel of the importance and preservation of biodiversity in Lebanon, left Adj.majoor Dany Scheerling who celebrated his retirement from the army with us!)

BELUFIL differs considerably in the services it provides to the various municipalities within the area assigned as part of its mission within the UNIFIL . An excellent job of communicating with timetables, explanations, photos are distributed in town halls, plus information campaigns for the mine in schools.
The list is so comprehensive, I'll just give some examples. I already talked to the ambulance offered at the hospital in Tibnin, generators are regularly funded in the municipalities.
cables electrics funded for the town of Shaqra,

( Marc Collard photographer, do not put two words without laughing! Behind me Marco Corstjens CIMIC)

(symbolic olive tree planted for this Belgian victims in Lebanon)

reforestation projects, particularly in the village of Salem Kirb 2000 olive trees, a hill to replant burned during the war.
reforestation campaign and awareness of my NGO supported by the Mawassem khair Bélufil with the support of local religious leaders.

Here Major Thierry Mathy to the left of the colonel commanding officer

View and-lenvironnement.html


Each troop rotation Bélufil which lasts about four months, the camp hosts at the castle of scorpion Tibnin, a day "sports and recreation" for children of all surrounding municipalities.

Several activities are offered with secure rope jumping, climbing, games, coloring, painting, horseshoe, the list is long, but the bottom line is the total acceptance of people for these forces in Belgium and Luxembourg of UNIFIL ..

The atmosphere of this day is like a first outing to the park by Disney wonder, excited children in front of all the proposed activities, and especially the care and kindness of the Belgian soldiers softening times of war and bellicose climate always in the news revived and fueled by comments from their parents.

The war in Lebanon is present at every moment.

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Grand Duchy is represented by two soldiers in BELUFIL integrated as part of their mission within the Interim Force UN in Lebanon. His
Minister for Cooperation and Humanitarian Action Jean-Louis Schiltz in an interview reported "not forget that Lebanon is next door! "The two soldiers involved in demining operations in our hills of olive and fig trees. Your excellency! Lebanon is the gateway to the Mediterranean and the key origin of all civilizations.

(Major Hoffman officer Luxembourgers true flagship of the Grand Duchy)

These two soldiers are in the image of Belgium, few compared to the total workforce UNIFIL, and yet condemning all minds by the quality of human relationships and their willingness to fulfill humanitarian missions participating in the reconstruction of torn Lebanon.

(a large and experienced demining Luxembourg Patrick Depaoli )

I just want to renew my gratitude through my friends and Hoffmann Major Patrick Depaoli EOD minesweeper, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. In conclusion

Two anecdotes reminisce in my mind now that I want to conclude.

When Belgium has long been without a government, in Scorpio camp, we felt strengthened unity among its members and reminded me of a Belgian officer that Lebanon and Belgium had a common destiny and similarities in their need to weld and build the unity of their country.

(Lebanon Luxembourg Belgium united here for the reconstruction of the Cedar Country)

The second anecdote is in a tomb, 8 meters deep, with the minesweeper Daniel, my Belgian witch, when The shovel had hit the rock to fall deeper and find that damned bomb of 500 pounds. Then I turned to Daniel and asked him:
There is no risk of explosion if the excavator hits with force on the bomb? He turns to me, look, breathe deeply, and replied ... ... .. Ibrahim "there is always a risk! Ibrahim Ali El

Ibrahim.el.ali @

(These two photos outweigh any speech)