Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Canada Backpacker Jobs

I came across a good article, I'll let you make your opinion ...

Bernard-Henri Levy

Not being a military expert, I will not judge whether the Israeli shelling in Gaza may have been more focused, less intense.

Having for decades, never could bring myself to distinguish between good and evil dead or, as Camus said, between "deserving victims" and "privileged executioners," I am obviously shocked, too, by images of Palestinian children killed.
That being said, and given the wave of madness that seems, once again, as always when it comes to Israel, grab some media, I recall a few facts.

1. No government in the world, no other country that Israel vilified, dragged through the mud, demonized, not tolerate to see thousands of shells falling for years, on its cities: the most remarkable in the case, the true subject of amazement, not the "brutality" of Israel-is, literally, long retained.

2. The fact that Qassam of Hamas, and now Grad missiles have been so few deaths does not prove that they are handmade, safe, etc.. But the Israelis are protecting themselves, they live holed up in caves their buildings, shelter: a nightmare existence, living on borrowed time, the sound of sirens and explosions I've been to Sderot, I know.

3. The fact that Israeli shells do, conversely, many victims does not mean, as the screaming protesters this weekend, that Israel is engaged in a "massacre" deliberate, but that leaders in Gaza have chosen the opposite approach, and highlight their populations: old tactic of "human shield "that Hamas, like Hezbollah two years ago, installs its command centers, its stocks of weapons, bunkers in the basements of buildings, hospitals, schools, mosques, disgusting but effective.

4. Between the attitude of some and that of others there, anyway, a crucial difference and are not entitled to ignore those who want to get a fair idea, and tragedy, and how to stop it: the Palestinians take over cities, in other words civilians (which, under international law, called a "crime of war "), the Israelis are targeting military objectives and are, without aiming, terrible damage to civilians (which, in the language of war, has a name-" collateral damage "-which, even if it is hideous refers to a true strategic asymmetry and moral).

5. Given the need to dot the i's, we recall another fact of which the French press has echoed strangely little and I do not know yet no precedent in any other war, the part of any other army units IDF during the air offensive, always called (the Anglo-Saxon talking about 100 000 calls) to Gazans living near a military target, inviting them to evacuate, it does not change the desperation of families, broken lives, the carnage, obviously, but things happen and is not , provided a detail completely devoid of meaning.

6. And as for the famous full blockade finally imposed on a people hungry, missing everything and precipitated a humanitarian crisis without precedent (sic), that is, here again, factually incorrect: the humanitarian convoys have never ceased to go until the start of the ground offensive, the point Kerem Shalom crossing, for a single day, January 2, 90 trucks of food and medicines that have been, according to The New York Times, into the territory, and I for that evokes memory (because it goes without say, though, to read and listen to some it may go better by saying ...) the fact that Israeli hospitals continue at the time of writing, of receiving and treating every day, the wounded Palestinians.

Soon, hopefully, stop the fighting. And very soon, hopefully too, the commentators will resume their minds. They will discover, that day, Israel has committed many mistakes over the years (missed opportunities, long denial of the claim Palestinian National unilateralism), but that the worst enemies of the Palestinian extremist leaders are those who have never wanted peace, never wanted a state and have never conceived of another state for their people than the instrument and hostage (sinister picture of Khaled Meshal that Saturday, December 27, loomed as the imminence of the Israeli response as desired, knew only urge his "nation" to "offer the blood of other martyrs, and has been since his comfortable exile, his hideout , Damascus ...).

Today, two things will happen. Or the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza restore the truce and they have broken in the process, declare void a charter based on the pure rejection of the "Zionist entity": they join this great party of compromise that keeps God Praise be to progress in the region, and peace will happen. Or they insist to see in the suffering of their a good fuel for their passions annealed, their hatred mad, nihilistic, without words-and this not only Israel but the Palestinians, it will free up the dark grip of Hamas .



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