Thursday, April 24, 2008

Goku's Feelings For Chichi

Oceanium: an example for Africa

(From 13 to 19 December 2007)

Evaluation Project Conservation of fishery resources by fishing communities "
1. The establishment of a marine protected exemplary community (cAMP). The project carried out by Oceanium has enabled the establishment of the very first marine protected area
functional Senegal.

Although five protected areas have been officially recognized by the Presidential Decree of July 2004 the protected area of Keur Bamboung in the Delta of the Sine Saloum1 (itself also classified Biosphere Reserve) is the only have to a monitoring device functional and sustainable system of funding through revenue generated by an eco-tourist camp. The MPA is a unique example for the country but also serves as a case study for the sub region as it already hosts
exchange visits from Guinea Conakry, Guinea Bissau or other regions of Senegal.
2. Scientific monitoring of the aquatic environment and fishery resources that shows indisputable results in terms of improving the marine ecosystem. Through collaboration with CRODT and IRD resulting in publication of scientific works (see Annex 2), a reference state had allowed
counted in 2003 51 different fish species on the area to be protected. This monitoring has been maintained each year and three years after the establishment of the protected area, sampling conducted in 2006 helped
Demonstrate the return of 23 new species.

3. A likely contribution to the improvement of the site catches and incomes of fishermen. Although some experts are passionate to question the reality or extent the effect of source or overflow (that is to say, the contribution of the protected area to improve the quantity or quality of fish stocks exploited by fishermen outside or adjacent to the AGP) beam consistent evidence abounds in the direction of a positive effect. The first clue comes from statements of fishermen who continue to use riparian cAMP and who report significant improvements in the quality of their catch. An economic evaluation of cAMP to be conducted as part of the consultative role of the office-Oréade Brêche recruited by the FFEM
should contribute to better appreciate this contribution. Furthermore, biological data already collected by the scientific establish that over three quarters of the fish in the GPA are amphibiotic is to say, they spend part of their life at sea, so that 'they leave the protected area.
4. The uniqueness of the site is confirmed by numerous independent experts: Professor Paul Ndiaye
The University Cheikh Anta Diop (specialist in protected areas) during the workshop to follow the scientific results called the results "excellent" and acknowledged that this is a unique case to his attention. According to Philippe ALL, technical assistant to the commission subregional fisheries, this is an absolutely unique site with scientific monitoring including a baseline prior to surgery and continued so as accurate. Finally, and regardless of the final results of the evaluation by the consulting firm Oréade Brêche, preliminary results communicated by the consultants during the mission confirm that this project is a success yours truly.

5. Three more Marine Protected Areas Community was organized by the FFEM project and are ready to operate: (i) the protected area of Cap Manuel in the bay between Dakar Goree Island, (ii) the area protected from small side (near the tourist hub of Nianing) (iii) protected area of St Georges Point in Casamance. However, in the absence of text classification of sites, which suffer from administrative processing which extremely long due to institutional conflicts of jurisdiction between the Ministry Environment and the Ministry of Maritime Economy, these protected areas are not yet in operation phase.
6. The group of four protected areas can make models of community conserved areas in environmental contexts and socio-economic settings. Each MPA community is built on a foundation of sustainable exploitation of one or more resource (s) renewable (s) to fund the operation of the protected area and contribute to development activities to outlying communities. At Keur Bamboung, the economic model based on the exploitation of a camp community eco-tourism which finance the supervision and development of rural communities.

On the small side, a model based on a voluntary contribution of large receptive hotel (set at this stage to 100 FCFA per night) is to finance the management and conservation communities. Casamance is a chain of exploitation of fresh oysters susceptible to major hotels (including Cape Skirring) to fund the activities of conservation and development with perhaps also Eco-tourist camp.


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