Monday, April 21, 2008

When Does La Fitness Have A Sale

Francophonie in Lebanon.

The Francophonie festivities come to an end to the international city of Paris, with the great honor of having received the President of the Republic at its inaugural conference. Phew
he spoke in French!

Celebration of Francophonie at the international city of Paris

La Francophonie in Lebanon
And more specifically to the Shi'a population of Lebanon.

Koumeil ibn Ziad Annakha'l reports:
"Imam Ali peace be upon him, took me by the hand and led me to the cemetery in the desert, he drew a long breath and said: O
Koumeil! ... The science is better than wealth. Science is your faithful guardian, yet the wealth requires you to be his guardian. Know increases when you use it, then that money decreases when used. The benefits of wealth vanish as soon as one loses his fortune.

Before I start writing this article, I went diving into the various websites that deal with the subject, and I found a lot of topics very exciting, but what I the more surprised, c is the optimistic note and feeling good diffusion of the language of Molière in Lebanon that emerges from these articles as a good general satisfaction.
I do not mind! So much the better

The work of teachers, academics, cultural or loaded is important, however, my gaze on the subject is different, it does not replace the institutional, but complements it. I think the Francophonie although discreet in Lebanon remains the true cement of society, and that's what I want to venture to demonstrate.

My name is Ibrahim El Ali and as you see on my blog I'm very affectionate with ecology, civic duty, responsibility for all of us to build a unified Lebanon, united, free and all external hegemonies but rooted in its dawn Mediterranean
"Ishmael in his custody take any side that looks east. (Racine) "

outset, and to avoid any misunderstanding, I am defined as a citizen of the world, Lebanese, Gaullist, African, humanistic, democratic, secular, French, Arabic, Muslim, resistant, ecologist and immigrated to ... ... life!

La Francophonie is my hobbyhorse to establish a Lebanese company that respects plurality.

His Excellency President Abdou Diouf My

Why Shiite population and not all of Lebanon ....

It is not difficult to guess if the Shiite community studies and speaks French, the battle is won, the weight as demographic policy of this community is growing.
Shiites have remained so long away from schooling, and even French, as if that language were to remain forever preserve of the elite Beirut.

According to the Ipsos institute 45% of the Lebanese population is francophone. English is spoken by nearly 30% and there would be an early balance between the main Lebanese communities regarding learning French
If we can form this community in the French language, we would first of all a Lebanon totally Francophone, established as a second language, but I remain convinced that this language would act as a cement mix of different sensibilities of an epileptic Lebanon, and how too ecclesiastical.

Francophonie cultural biodiversity

Francophony is very much a cultural resistance against the English language with "excellence" of globalization!
As for me I think the Francophonie in Lebanon must be a war, like everywhere else. And move from resisting siege at this stage of general offensive.

"Whoever burns his ship is doomed to defeat" rekindle the fires of war of 100 years ... War of words, language, culture, spirit, biodiversity primitive arts. All this pledge the freedom to think of our children ... The French
c is the crop biodiversity when English is the Monsanto. Of Monsanto.

Soon he'll have to pay to breathe, no one cries over the scandal by buying bottled mineral water in supermarkets ... Even drinking water must pay the environmental protection and defense of cultural biodiversity, even combat.

Francophone schools, since when you one learns a language at school? The Lebanese people shopping know, a language learned by practicing it, by living it.

I want to establish centers of culture or language specific French would support, internet cafe with programs in French, a library, useful information, a meeting place and cultural exchange, all this using traditional, small structures in each village, feeding of the Francophonie, using French teachers, or from the Lebanese diaspora as educators ..
Combine coffee and cafes in languages, as in France there are cafes where people speak only English, and youth centers and each time with small budgets but spread over all the villages ... ... ... Who is ready to support me?

The day of the Francophonie is celebrated each year around the world some 200 million people speak French, 72 million partially.

As Lebanon is the cradle of humanity, the Phoenicians who baptized all ports and major cities of the Mediterranean and elsewhere, we will assert and reclaim the world as others have claimed with a force and terror land they have abandoned 2000 years ago, Lebanon is demanding their inalienable right to the whole world, not his sand mountains, or plains, but on his mind, and through a unified Lebanon claim the genesis of world culture. And use the Francophonie and the union of the Mediterranean as the vessels of our winbacks.

Why French

And no Arabic or English
English is lived by the Lebanese as a business language or the world, people use it in commercial globalism predominant, but the Lebanese saw the French as a natural language, a true second language, a state of being, or soul when it is not their first language, like 2 million Lebanese expatriates ... more I realize realize that this feeling is shared by all French speakers.

One thing you should keep in mind a Lebanese who speaks the French language in Africa vehicle ten times more than a French expatriate. The Lebanese practice French is often an entrepreneur, businessman, and remains very active in the use of language both in his home, his business, which in the plurality of contacts and networks that valley.

When the French expatriate, he often travels with a contact well sewn, with his return ticket in hand, and a mission that nailed between air-conditioned offices and a small circle of friends, when in some countries limits its not out ... it's true that in its cultural missions or alliances engorged by the potential candidates wishing to learn French, a fabulous job is done, it's always a real pleasure for me to attend a conference in cultural services of the embassies of France, their remarkable work remains unfinished to the extent that it affects only elite (elite meaning here a very limited number of candidates).

Char Yasmine Lebanese writer on France Inter

Why not just Arabic? When

personality drives a Mercedes car from Germany or a Japanese Toyota, he did never dream of claiming his Arabism as a means of transport, otherwise we'd all still parading on camels or horses so famous.

Language is just a tool of culture and knowledge, this is his horse, highway development. We'll stay through the desert to reach the science of the 21st century
"Go up in China seek knowledge" that verse is sacred
And the dominant civilization is European, learn French better, to better understand Arabic. Europe has found its philosophy and its Greek texts through Arabic translations of Greek. This simply proves that the Arabs in the period in which their culture radiated throughout Europe had no complex about and master other languages
The problem here is more a cultural problem of language, but a tool density of knowledge. The prophets
arrived only in the cities and highways of knowledge networks.

The best defender of Arabic becoming the Francophonie, we are short of Francophonie in Lebanon, so my first objective will be to raise the French to give Student weapons to confront the European universities. We have no cycles doctorate in Lebanon.

any language she learned in school?

I do not want to alienate all the teachers and institutions, and I have oddly need their support for grammar lessons, dictations, and other compositions, only how many students leave public schools with a Lebanese baccalaureate and fail to form a sentence correctly?

So I'll take a risky position and say we do not learn a language only to public schools in Lebanon and that is why we need Francophonie. Already
libraries and cultural centers have successfully dazzling Nabatiyeh, Bint jbael, Tyr but always in the best case for 1000 or 2000 candidates.
I speak a French-speaking mass that would affect at least 50% of the population, a vibrant Francophone community, which complements the work of schools, based on the hopes and desires of the Lebanese youth in a spirit of social, cultural, and the greatest respect for local customs, and in that moment in a city like Bint jbael Tibnin or head of the department of the same name, the East the day the only daily French edition sells for ten copies.

We'll talk about UNIFIL, I am the first to suggest to the commander to use Guillot, the presence of UNIFIL forces to teach French in schools,
Without replacing the teacher, which most have sharp criticism on programming courses, but remain frozen like most actors of society.

( Photo taken from website of the French army )

is why we have the oldest members of the world, and indeed they are removed when they are young, (Forgive me just this cheeky comment.)

Have you ever opened a book of science or French in Lebanon? the program level is higher than in France, but students can not construct a sentence correctly, and upon leaving school he will find nowhere an environment throughout the community, either to the road signs or at home or in Internet cafes where everything is in English, games, all children know how "or Dell and game or end game or over".
Even government websites are in English.
Then his radio television space is totally devoid of French.

Will we give up??

One billion French

You know the practical sense and resourcefulness of the legendary Lebanese, do not you one said a Lebanese dip in the sea, he emerges with a fish in his mouth. Refer to the Lebanese Francophonie by making each one an ambassador and in place of 200 million French speakers, we will quickly one billion ... A Language is like a song from Michael Jackson, you must know to advertise and make it alive ... You know where the biggest selling newspaper East IT? In Dubai and yes, the lowest it's been fashionable to have a newspaper in French and come to parade with a few words.

The French introduced as stock index

French is a language, then it is not publicly traded and does not yet index the CAC 40 or Forex, or the Nasdaq, multinationals interested only what has a price, so we entrust the French language departments, professors, and cultural service, what else?
This year's book fair was canceled in Lebanon for security reasons, a huge disappointment to the friends of France and the French language ... When
include someone really that French is an asset and a resource for francophone businesses, and it's worth it to invest and to risk it? You one cancels trade shows and petroleum industries they leave Iraq for safety reasons?
Look now, there is a real tug at TV5 to who will lead the group or Christine Ockrent? Although criticized as joint Minister of Foreign Affairs .... (Me, I liked him as a journalist, so I have a natural inclination), but thinking is not doing here ...
Bernard Kouchner evokes this decisive battle: "We have to start to conquer the world of storytelling. A people incapable of spreading its message becomes a people invisible and inaudible danger of losing their language, culture, creativity, ability to send an original message to the world. "It's beautiful! It's been a long time that the French no longer belongs only to France. So Mr. Minister Could you speak French Abroad! Thanksgiving!
First look at how the BBC is investing for the radiation of English ... the budget is higher than that of TV5, France 24, RFI together .... And the ultimate: to support its candidate, France loudly boasts that it can provide for the majority of funding so it must choose its candidate ... you know how expensive
state Senegalese train a doctor, nurse or other qualified loan consuming for him to finish working in hospitals in France?
What a gift to France and what sorrow to forget all our friends and brothers of African ambassadors Francophonie, fleeing poverty for the Eldorado and end at the cost of a trip Odyssean to serve a meal to the fish of the Atlantic ... Every time we Ambassador lose a precious and a treasure of cultural miscegenation.

Wilfried N'Sonde "children's hearts leopard" of the Francophonie

International Tribunal

As if the sacrifice of these ancestors were slaves or sharpshooters not enough. As he lies dying in the middle of the sea or in the Sahara desert, speaking in his dreams,
At the same time our ministers or potential candidate for president speak English as they move outside.
These guys should be brought to international court as criminals or traitors of the Francophonie.
"It would seem strange to say the least, for example, that the head of state whose official language is French chooses to speak in English to the entire international community since the UN rostrum, down immediately, complaining that French is not sufficiently defended. " A Senegalese friend
met at the Feast of the Francophonie (Sorry! Day Francophone writers) confessed that she felt like "pigeonnée" of being born with Gallic ancestors, growing up watered by Molière and Racine, dreaming in French ... ... .... To do with the European community Lithuanian, Polish and Croatian spend it well ahead to get a residence permit, work, assimilation or the right to live decently.
She decides to put the Chinese ...

We invented the European Community, now the union of the Mediterranean, why not the union of the Francophonie?

La Francophonie as a weapon of peace

is created as the Francophonie to recognize our weakness before English, which he didn't need anglophonie.

As a first time and with small budgets could create 100 homes in the Francophonie, the students can come to correct their duty in a group, speak only in French, speak a common thing around a glass of tea, have access to a library and selected guests and French newspapers, correct all their duty, Y
create competition for the French language, allow southerners to have access to television news in French, and this will allow them to have a Another point of view.

In Beirut Rami AZZAM the price of poetry in French rewards the brightest of our young writers.
I really enjoyed this event, but regretted not having seen any veiled woman on all the guests at the Faculty of Humanities.
Working together for that price is for all Lebanese.

Two anecdotes

I am running full council of a large village in southern Lebanon, offering courses taught by French soldiers in UNIFIL to school, the mayor gave me his agreement Only in small classes for fear that French soldiers took the opportunity to indoctrinate more mature!
To which I reply "seen the pitiful level in French in your institutions, I am attached only during given to children, they may as well start off on a good knowledge of French.

During the events of October 2006 between the Lebanese army and the IDF French Leclerc tanks are interposed ready to respond to the Israeli Merkava tanks. Nobody
south Lebanon has had access to this information. Working long to create a Franco-Lebanese in southern Lebanon, the dissemination of such information or documents in newspapers or television would have helped in my fight
... What I want to bring your attention is that southern Lebanon, no one had access to the news. Francophonie would have allowed people to be able to zap on TV5 or look on the Internet the information field and be a more critical with respect to the events unfolding before their eyes but they have an understanding relative.

Césaire Apostle speaking of negritude, is leaving us after our father's cultural hybridity President Leopold Sedar Senghor admitted to the pantheon of angels letters; When
at the same time the representative of France at Eurovision sings in English. Would this signal the armistice?

Lebanon is a country, it is a message Holiness POPE JOHN PAUL II


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