Saturday, January 16, 2010

Inside Basketball Courts Nj

A metaphor (Your Face Tomorrow) An accumulation

It was an accident but at the time of his death, I was happy never to have read Grand Hotel Elyseum which, however, was long in my library. As always have the prospect of reading a novel by Timothy Findley is for me a sufficient reason for living that I know remember if by chance I do not find the other.
is what I feel also the release of a new book by one of my favorite authors and Javier Marias is one of them. Know
has been translated Poison and shadow and farewell , finishing up his entire literary started in 2004, is a lien on my future, just to sing my tomorrows.

And when I hear him say that he never read Extinction to continue living with the assurance of always having a novel by Thomas Bernhard to discover, I smile.

"In my novel, we must take the word" face "in a metaphorical way"
Javier Marias.


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